Never Make Assumptions

Man in shadowsA young Asian man was referred to me because of his limited communication and challenging behaviour. Arif had a history of violent outbursts and his parents and members of staff in his residential home were subjected to regular attacks of spitting, scratching, pinching and biting.  On my first vist, Arif was sitting cross-legged with head bowed and shoulders hunched forward.  He anxiously darted glances towards those around him. My initial assessment revealed that his violent outbursts were triggered by the monthly shaving of his body hair in accordance with his faith.  I was told that Arif was terrified of the vibration of the clippers and every time, had to be forcibly restrained by his father and brothers. This traumatic experience perpetuated the cycle of fear.  Arif’s emotional distress manifested in bowel problems which, from a metaphysical perspective, relate to long standing patterns of fear and a difficulty in ‘letting go’ of negative feelings.  As is often the case, Arif’s support worker mirrored this stress related pattern with his own diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

My weekly visits took place in Arif’s room. In an attempt to discover his musical preference, I played a variety of music from all over the world, including folk, classical, sacred and music from his own and other cultures.   Through careful observation of Arif’s responses i.e. vocal sounds, body language and facial expression, it was possible to determine his musical preference.  The outcome of my observations reminded me never to assume.  Showing disinterest in the music from his own Pakistani culture, Arif visibly relaxed and smiled when listening to Handel’s Water Music  .  His body language shifted from closed to open and from submissive to empowered as he lifted his head, turned to the music, opened his chest, unfolded his arms, straightened his spine and uncurled his legs.  Encouraged by his response, which surprised both me and his care staff , I requested that his musical choice was played quietly in his room and on short journeys in the car.  It is my belief and understanding that we carry forward unreleased imprinted negative memory from early childhood experiences  and also from previous lives. These negative memories influence our beliefs and colour our perception and behaviour.  However, we could clearly see that this piece of music was obviously empowering Arif and triggering positive behaviour and interaction which we needed to encourage and develop.

HANDELpngOver a period of six weeks, on each of my visits, Handel’s Water Music played softly in the background as I gradually introduced him to specific vocal chakra tones.   Each chakra tone carries healing sound to a specific anatomical area of the body, which releases tension and anxiety.  In Arif’s case, we needed to increase a sense of safety, stabilise his emotions and release impacted energy trapped in the lumber region of his spine and upper and lower bowel; these anatomical areas are governed by the sacral , solar plexus and base chakras.   Swathes of rainbow coloured silk enhanced the toning process. The colours of vibrant red, bright orange and clear golden yellow corresponded to the lower chakra colours in health.

Our weekly sessions always closed with an Emerald Alignment,  a simple, safe and effective method of aligning the subtle energy system of the body (electromagnetic field). This energy alignment method enables access to the higher intuitive pathways beyond the impaired cognitive faculties ( See Research paper). Arif watched transfixed as I took his care worker through the Emerald Alignment process.  I was grateful for the cooperation and support of the management team, who willingly introduced Emerald Alignment and vocal toning into Arif’s care plan.  The care team trained in this toning system so that Arif ‘s healing could continue between my visits.   Handel’s Water Music’ was played in his room when he requested it through gesture and pointing. Coloured silks corresponding to the chakra tones he was practising were hung at his window, lit by sunlight during the day.

 Memory triggered by the sound of the clippers was gently and painlessly released through music, colour and sound and Arif’s resistance gradually dissolved. Family members began to relax in his presence .  Arif used his room as a sanctuary in times of agitation.  As his fear subsided, he initiated communication by spontaneously voicing a greeting to those he liked.

PASTORAL Therapists/Healers may wish to download the Science of Healing manual or purchase  The Anatomy of the Human Energy Field  this  comprehensive handbook, explains the subtle energy system and it’s impact on health.

  A Radical Approach – Working with Adults with Learning Disabilities , explains Jennifer’s holistic approach to working with trauma . This is a handbook for carers and health care professionals , available as a free download on the Living Memory Research Trust website.