Category: Astrology and Numerology

  • Nursery Rhymes and their Meaning

    These seemingly childish rhymes have their roots based in historic fact.  Many people have researched the origin of  traditional nursery rhymes which have been part of children’s lives for hundreds of years and these familiar rhymes have existed for centuries.   Nursery rhymes began to be printed in England as early as 1570.   The verses…

  • Fairytales, Astrology and Enchantment in Relation to Child Directed Creative Play

    Fairytales, Astrology and Enchantment in Relation to Child Directed Creative Play

    This is an excerpt from an article written in collaboration with  Sandra Lamb Kilburn, a medical astrologer whose work enhances  applied clinical practice at the Living Memory Research Trust . The article explores astrological psychology and specific astrological chart indicators.  A detailed case study of child directed creative play sessions demonstrates their application in a…

  • Little Drummer Boy

    Little Drummer Boy

    Sam was eight years old with a diagnosis of Down’s syndrome. He attended a local primary school and received daily help from his support assistant within the classroom.  Sam’s limited understanding  of language, meant that he expressed himself using single words only i.e. names of familiar people, objects and actions.   To help him communicate,…